Northern California Science Writers Association
NCSWA membership is open to all science writers and communicators who live in Northern California and the greater Bay Area! Members receive our quarterly email newsletter and email notice of special NCSWA events -- including dinner meetings, Zoom talks, happy hours, workshops and field trips -- and can subscribe to our jobline, which provides notices of job openings.
Membership fees are $25 a year ($12.50 a year for students). To join, choose a membership level below -- full or student -- and click 'Next' to add contact information and proceed to online payment via PayPal or credit card. To apply for a student membership, include proof of current college or university enrollment.
To renew your existing membership online, click on the membership level button below. If you want to update your personal information -- add a new email or mail address, a new job title or a new photo -- log in and change it online.
New or renewing members who prefer to pay by check can download and print this PDF and mail it and a check to the address at the top of the form.